Useful Links

This is partially for my own reference, partially for your reference if you find them useful.

Machine Learning

Want a good overview for why certain components are commonly used in neural networks (e.g. dropout layers, data augmentation)? Check out this paper. It’s a mostly-entry level explanation.

Want a quick way to get started using neural networks in Python? Check out keras.

Python in Astronomy Demos

If you’ve never used Python before:

If you want to learn more about Python, at UCSC we hold occasional discussion + demos of Python tools we use to be more productive. Our main repo of past discussions is github/ucsc-astro/coffee. I’ve specifically talked about:

Parallel Programming Basics

Code misc.

[Modern] Fortran

Previously I had to get up to speed in Modern Fortran. Since it’s not a still-commonly-used language, here are the resources that were useful for learning it quickly:

Finding [Astronomy] Research papers

K-12 Teaching